
“It has helped me find energy within myself that I didn’t know existed. I feel better, mentally and physically then I have ever been.

I have been a Body Buster Fitness Member for a full year, I started in January 2019.

I love how every class is not the same and the variety of exercises that are offered in every class. I also love the group environment, which helps keep me motivated and makes me work even harder.

I have lost 10 lbs since I started Body Buster Fitness and have lost 3 inches around my abdomen, including 1 inch on my thighs, half an inch on my calves, and 2 inches on my chest. I am stronger then ever and I can hold a plank for 2 minutes and 43 seconds, that’s 2 minutes longer compared to when I first started Body Buster in January 2019.

I have chosen to continue with Body Buster because for the first time in my entire life I have stuck to a workout routine and have not given up, that’s thanks to Body Buster. I am finally seeing results, I try to make it to all my classes and do makes up if I have too, because Body Buster gives me that motivation to keep going.

How this program has made me feel in terms of overall health is, well, amazing. I have more energy to do things and I don’t get tired as easily as I use to. My endurance levels have increased as well as my confidence. I was able to run my first 5km run with this new found energy, increased endurance and confidence. I

This training program has made me feel more confident in my appearance, I feel stronger, and I overall just feel better inside and out. I joined Body Buster because I knew I had to make a change, I was not happy with how my body looked. I would avoid looking in the mirror because I was not comfortable with how my body looked. After as little as a few months with Body Buster I was ready to look in the mirror again, something I had not done in many years. It was a great feeling when I finally looked in the mirror and was not afraid anymore as I could finally see a difference after working so hard with going to my classes at Body Buster. It was an amazing feeling to not be scared to look in the mirror and to be able to accept the body that I had and knowing I was in the right direction on getting to where I would like my body to be.

It is so important to lead an active and healthy lifestyle as it has helped me in every aspect of myself. It has helped to increase the confidence I had in myself. It has helped me to lose weight and bring me a step closer to my goal. It has helped me find energy within myself that I didn’t know existed. I feel better, mentally and physically then I have ever been. Overall, living an active and healthy lifestyle not only changed the way I look but how I feel.

Body Buster is a great place to feel motivated and it’s also fun! All the instructors are amazing and have their own great sense of humour which they bring to every class. It’s always a fun time working out.

I told myself for 7 years straight I would go to the gym next week, I will start next week. I would work out once and then not for another few weeks. There were times where I would work out for 3 days in one week and not work out for another few months, I just had a hard time sticking with it. I was sick and tired of saying to myself, I will go to the gym at least 3 times a week and didn’t do it. That is when I decided to join Body Buster. I needed something that was instructor led and a place where I could feel motivated and Body Buster was just the place. I know it is hard to NOT exercise as we have busy lives to live, I get that and I would come up with every excuse in the book as to why I wouldn’t go. Since being at Body Buster this has not been an issue and that is because I have found something that works for me. If it weren’t for Body Buster I would not be able to say that I have been working out for a year straight, that I lost 10 lbs and that I feel the best I have ever felt in my entire life.