
I have been a Body Buster Fitness member for almost 3 years!

The thing that I like the most about the Body Buster Program is that it’s always a total body workout and that no two workouts are alike. Even after doing it for so long I still don’t feel like I have plateau’d because the instructors are always finding ways to tailor the program and increase the challenge when needed. There isn’t a class that I don’t leave sweating.

I have definitely converted fat lbs into lbs of muscle and that shows by the inches I’ve lost which I can see in how my clothes fit and the sizes of things I am wearing now.

I have chosen to continue with Body Buster because it suits my lifestyle- I like getting my workout in first thing in the morning to set me on the right track for the rest of the day and because it suits my personality- I need the group dynamic to make the experience enjoyable and challenging and I also need to be enrolled in a program to hold me accountable. The Body Buster Program also supports the other activities that I like to do. I am a part of a running group and I find I am a much stronger runner when I keep up with the Bootcamp Program. 

The Body Buster program has made me feel in control of my overall health both physical health and mental health because I see the differences – a week with Body Buster bootcamp vs. a week without, the comparison from my abilities when I started to where I am now. I am more aware of my body- the total body workout targets muscle groups I wouldn’t otherwise know about/use or actively target. I know where my strengths and weaknesses are and areas that I can improve on. I also recognize the impact a good workout has on my mood & stress levels going into work right after. I sleep better after a day that I have had bootcamp and I look forward to feeling the aches two days later.

I feel like I have built a solid foundation/base of health that allows me to be able to keep up with other extracurricular/physical activities that I participate in. I feel stronger in my day to day and am more self aware because of it- I know what I am capable of achieving which motivates me and I also have a clearer indication of when/if I am falling off track- simply put I now know the difference – how to recognize when my body is fatigued in a good way vs. an unhealthy way and I now have the tools to get me back on track. The Body Buster program provides me with a workout routine that I can maintain, its manageable and I am able to incorporate it into my weekly schedule which is something I need, I like to be consistent and with this program I have developed a regular workout routine that still challenges me and keeps me invested. 

Leading an active and healthy lifestyle benefits you in more ways than just transforming your physical self, it impacts every aspect of your life for the better. You’re your best self when you are leading an active and healthy lifestyle and thats the energy you want other people to pick up on/respond to. You make better choices when you are being active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle which affects the people around you positively.

There’s no judging or comparing with Body Buster just hard work on an individual basis. You will see a difference, you get out what you put in. Consistency is key. Stick with it and say your goals out loud.

Make your health a priority, being healthy isn’t just about eating right, its being active too. Exercise has so many more benefits than just transforming your body. Your future self will thank you.