
I started Body Buster in 2018 when I was getting tired of the same gym routine and indoor classes. I love being outside but most of all, I love working out with a dedicated group, making friends, and having some fun. I always found the gym atmosphere, even the group classes, to be less friendly and more “get in there and get out”. Body Buster has more of a fun-friendly feel.

I’m not one to measure or weigh, but rather I go on how I feel and gains I see in strength and mobility. Since regularly participating in Body Buster classes, I’ve seen a noticeable improvement in my strength and not just in how light my dumbbells started to feel, but how much easier I can do a burpee or how many squats I can do without getting tired. Also, I’ve learned how to work around a back injury, and I attribute my recovery to continuing to build strength and mobility.

We all have busy schedules, and sometimes we can forget about ourselves. Body Buster has become more than just a workout—it’s become part of my routine that is good for my physical, mental, and social health. It’s one of the few things in my schedule that is JUST for me. I look forward to it.

Overall, I feel stronger and more mobile, which is so important as we get older. Body Buster has given me a community of like-minded individuals whom I thoroughly enjoy being around. It has also given me a steady fitness routine that keeps me healthy and strong. I’ve made some great friends, and I get the benefit of being encouraged by them and the trainers, as well as offering encouragement to them, which is overall good for the soul.

We are nothing without good health. My father, who is a retired doctor, always said “If you take to the bed, the bed will take you” meaning if you lie around and give up, then so will your physical and mental health. So, continuing to move and exercise our bodies and minds is vital to a longer, higher quality life.

Just try it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t be intimidated even if you are a total beginner to exercising. The instructors show all levels and options for exercises, and everyone will welcome you. And for those who feel that they are too ‘advanced’ for a group bootcamp class, the exercises in the classes can push you to the limits and you can always do more advanced versions or bring heavier weights.

With everyone leading busy lives and having every excuse not to exercise, my advice to them is: Don’t stop moving. There will always be things that come up that will challenge your ability to get out there and move—injuries, illness, work, etc.—but there are always options and alternatives to ensure that you keep moving. Carve out time in your calendar for movement.