
My name is Maria and I have been a proud Body Buster Fitness member since January 2023. I look forward to attending classes each week because Body Buster Fitness is such an inclusive, professional organization with kind, patient coaches who are masters at what they do. The classes are a challenge and a great work out but everyone can go at their own pace and the coaches always provide modifications, if needed. I also appreciate the coaches’ attentiveness while displaying the exercises and counting the movements along with the class. This keeps me motivated (I can do one more!). Another thing that keeps me motivated is the fact that I need to book my class ahead of time. Making an appointment keeps me accountable and gives me a date and time to look forward to. Knowing that I am attending classes Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings means that I am setting these times aside for me and taking care of my health and wellbeing. Scheduling your classes is super easy and convenient using the Body Buster Fitness website or app (no excuses!). Classes are on a variety of different dates, times and locations. As an added bonus, there are online classes available if I can’t attend a class in person.

My personal goal is to stay active and become stronger as I age. I want to make my muscles and bones stronger because I know that this is important if I want to be healthy as I get older. Being consistent with my fitness and nutrition helps to create a lifestyle of wellness for the years ahead. Body Buster Fitness is a key component in my health and wellness journey.

I know that I will continue attending Body Buster Fitness for many years ahead. I enjoy being with like-minded people that know that exercising and moving our bodies and challenging ourselves are key factors to living long, healthy lives. I have made friends and always look forward to seeing familiar faces when attending my classes. Body Buster Fitness is more than just a “gym”, it’s a lifestyle and a community.

I think that anyone on the fence who says “ I could never do a bootcamp program” should definitely give Body Buster Fitness a try. I never feel intimidated or like I don’t belong. Body Buster Fitness is very warm, encouraging atmosphere that allows you to achieve your goals at your own pace.

The classes are well thought out. Although they maintain a consistent format, each class may have a different focus (upper body or lower body) with different exercises introduced for variety. This means you never get bored and also means that you are getting a complete work out that targets all parts of the body- especially if you are consistent and attend multiple classes each week. The classes are fun and imaginative with different games and challenges that keep you engaged and motivated. I always look forward to my work outs because although I have been attending classes with Body Buster Fitness for over a year, I still get new, challenging exercises that I’ve never seen before. I appreciate the creativeness that the coaches insert into each and every class.

In closing, I would like to say that I feel blessed that I discovered Body Buster Fitness and gave it a try. This morning I attended a Saturday morning class outdoors. It was a beautiful spring day and a wonderful way to start my day and weekend. After attending a Body Buster Fitness class I always feel energized and so accomplished! These positive vibes always make me happy and prepare me for the day ahead. What an added bonus! Thank you Body Buster Fitness!