
I joined Body Buster Fitness after having my second baby in September 2016. I started with a 3 month program and never looked back!
There are so many things I like about the Body Buster Programs. First and foremost has to be the flexibility. There are classes Monday to Friday, morning and night. It’s easy to find a time that works with my schedule. As a stay at home Mum of 2 young girls, some days don’t always go as planned, so the ability to make up missed classes is awesome and keeps me from falling behind on my fitness journey.
For me the coaches are just as important to the experience as the class itself. Our coaches are amazing! They are relatable, welcoming, non-judgmental, fun and knowledgeable. They are positive and committed to my success and I appreciate that.
I have chosen to continue with Body Buster because the classes are fun, energetic, challenging, but manageable. I get a total body workout every class. Each class is different, we never do the same thing twice. Except Burpees and Squats, expect to do Burpees and Squats in every class. You can take the class at your own pace. I don’t think I would ever push myself this hard or at this level in a gym. Lets be honest, if it was a rough day, the gym would be the first thing to go. Being committed to the Body Buster program gives me accountability. Someone is expecting me to show up to my class and some days I need that. These classes are “Me Time” 2 hours a week I get to check out and focus on me.
Body Busters has given me an outlet to focus on me and put my health and fitness first. It is extremely important to me to show my girls a healthy lifestyle and that includes making time to work out and stay active.
I have lot of goals still to accomplish and lots of work to do but I know and feel like I have made tremendous strides in my fitness goals. Holding planks, doing pushups, burpees and running 1K were never things I thought I could or would do, but I am, and I love it! I feel stronger, happy and like I can accomplish anything.
Since joining Body Buster I feel stronger. I have more energy throughout the day for my kids and family. I have more confidence in my abilities. Each class is a way for me to destress from everyday life. Nothing helps you clear your mind like a good bootcamp class.
Don’t let the bootcamp name fool you. Yes, it is a Bootcamp. Yes, it is hard. Yes, It is challenging. Once you complete your first class you will feel like a million bucks. It is a great environment, it is a great way to spend an hour, and a great group to do it with. You will never regret your choice to invest in yourself and let Body Buster guide you along.
I truly look forward to working with the Body Buster coaches to meet my 2018 fitness goals!