
I joined Body Buster in July 2017. I initially started going twice each week. After one year, I signed up for another full year and am now attending four classes each week.
After a few decades of a sedentary lifestyle, I had started walking and swimming on my own in May 2016 and had made significant progress in terms of weight loss but had reached a point where I needed more because I was not gaining much of anything in terms of strength, agility, and balance. In April, 2017, I started playing tennis again after a 35+ year rest and was starkly aware that my movement on the court was not what it had once been. I had driven by the CSI location frequently for several years and gradually morphed from an attitude of “not even if they paid me” to “maybe I should try that out”. Joining the Body Buster program was way out of my comfort zone but I decided that it was a challenge that I needed.
I will admit to having limited expectations about remaining in the program once I began. Even during times when I had been active, I had always believed that participating in competitive sports was sufficient and that a regular exercise program was neither interesting or necessary. After participating for a while, I realized that on my way home I would have a near euphoric feeling, as if I had actually accomplished something. This initially actually annoyed me because I had been expecting that my previously negative feelings towards exercise would be reinforced. The feeling of accomplishment that I do obtain from Body Buster would not have been achieved on my own. The reason that I have continued to participate and have even increased my participation is the uniformly excellent instructors, the constant variety in the program, and the ease with which classes can be re-scheduled.
I have definitely made progress during the program although there are many challenges yet to face. Weight loss may have been an initial objective and it remains a goal, but the most exciting changes have been in other areas such as strength and achieving a more positive attitude towards working to having a healthier lifestyle.
I have chosen to continue with Body Buster because it allows me to work on my objectives at my own pace and based on my own physical abilities. There are some exercises where I have been able to accomplish progress and there are others where I really appreciate being provided with a modification (or in my case, a modification of the modification…). There is a constant reinforcement from the instructors that you are not competing against others balanced with encouragement to challenge yourself to attempt things that are outside of your comfort zone.
The program has made a real difference in terms of my daily life. I tackle routine daily activities with much more energy and have essentially rid myself of what I thought was a tendency to procrastinate but that was in fact just the negative features of a sedentary lifestyle.
In the past, I have been guilt of using every excuse in the book to not pursue a healthy and active lifestyle. I have certainly wanted to be active and healthy but was in a constant loop of starting out well but then abandoning my efforts only to continue to finance gyms long after I had stopping going. Almost all of my failed efforts resulted from me trying to do things on my own. The real benefit of the Body Buster program is that you are not alone and you receive an immensely beneficial instruction and encouragement. I feel that I am finally at a place attending Body Buster is simply a constant in my life.