
I have been a member of Body Busters since September 2016. I joined with my wife, to do something together, for our mind and body. For me (us) Body Busters was a way to bond and a healthy break from the daily grid of our lives. We have since had a baby boy (3rd child) and my wife has taken a break. I continue my bi-weekly workouts with Body Busters. For me it’s the perfect workout.
The workouts incorporate a challenge I’ve never experienced in a gym setting. It pushes me to my limits with running, cardio, weight training and stretching. The circuit training and the outdoor activities are not only a favourite, but takes my training to new levels and challenges.
The overall reward has transcended into my business. I have a clearer head and physical stamina. I have also greatly improved my balance, posture, and overall strength. This is why I continue with Body Busters. Now, I’m much happier with me and how I feel…..I was in pain and frequently seeing a physiotherapist (This was for a knee injury that continued as a leg and hip problem). I haven’t had to return since joining Body Busters.
I don’t own a scale, nor have I measured myself since I began. However I measure myself by things that I can do since. I feel the best I’ve felt in almost 20 year.
Leading an active life allowed me to be a better boss (leader), husband, and most importantly a better dad. Working out is not just for me its for those I love.
I have one word for those who do not know about Body Busters…JOIN!!! Join the rest of us Body Busters, you won’t regret it. Take an hour twice a week for yourself. You will be a better person overall and you will look great too.